Popis plemene/ About Tornjak
Proč Tornjak? Protože je prostě ÚŽASNÝ!!!!
Tornjak je plemeno psů po staletí v nezměněné podobě chované na území Bosny a Hercegoviny a Chorvatska. V sedmdesátých letech se přistoupilo k regeneraci tohoto plemene za účelem jeho uznání FCI, což se povedlo v roce 2007. Tím, že se "pouze" našli psi kteří odpovídali plemennému standartu (podle zmínek z textů z roku 1067!!!) a nebylo nutno do plemene přikřížit žádná jiná plemena, uchoval si tornjak právě ty skvělé vlastnosti, pro které byl po tak dlouhou dobu chován a používán.
Žádný Bosenec nebo Chorvat nebude držet psa, který neplní přesně funkce strážního psa - musí být bdělý, nesmí se toulat, pokud možno bezúdržbový, nenáročný na stravu a musí také trochu poslouchat. To vše se skutečně dlouhou a do dnešní doby tvrdou selekcí povedlo.
Tornjak je sice strážní pes na sto procent, ale není tak tvrdý jako ruská plemena psů (kavkazský ovčák, středoasiat, jihoruský ovčák) nebo šarplaninec....dá vetřelci možnost ústupu a jeho útoky nejsou tak životu nebezpečné jako zmiňovaná plemena - což se hodí přesně do našich podmínek.
Tornjak je také velice milý a přátelský pes pro svou rodinu, v přítomnosti rodinných příslušníků je to i velmi příjemný pes pro návštěvníky. Po mých dvacetiletých zkušenostech se středoasiaty stále předvídám nějakou potíž když přijde někdo cizí, ale vše je absolutně v pořádku a klidu - fena nejdříve zaštěká, ale jakmile zjistí že si to nepřeju a přichází "pouze" návštěva všude nás následuje a po chvíli si přijde k cizím lidem i pro pohlazení. Uplně jiné by to ale bylo, pokud by někdo přišel sám.... Naprosto stejné chování jsem sledoval u i všech tornjaků v Chorvatsku.
Mojí fenku Rose mám v tuto chvíli téměř 2 roky a neustále mně udivuje. Nikdy se nevzdálila z výběhů, svědomitě stráží a je opravdu velice milá. Dříve se nám ztrácelo 30 - 50 jehňat ročně (lišky, mývalovci kuní, krkavci a lidé). Teď už je absolutní klid. V ohradách máme koně a už se nemusíme bát, že je někdo ukradne!! - svělý pocit. V Chorvatsku se tornjak používá hlavně ke strážení ovcí,krav a prasat. Podotýkám, že vše je navolno - pes trvale žije ve společnosti strážených zvířat. Jsou samozřejmě vynikající i na hlídání objektů...Nemyslím si, že by moje fenka Rose byla výjmečná - je to prostě tornjak.
V současné době se ale většina tornjaků chová a velmi úspěšně prezentuje na výstavách a žijí jako velmi příjemní rodiní, často měští psi.
Prostě tornjak je univerzální, skvělé, nezkažené plemeno. Rozhodně bych ho doporučil všem lidem, kterým se líbí velcí psi typu bernského salašnicého, pyrenejského horského psa, novofunlanda apod a chtějí dlouhověkého psa s pevnými nervy, se kterým se nemusí bát vyjít mezi lidi a nechtějí trávit většinu času po veterinárních ordinacích (jak je tomu dnes už velmi často právě u výše zmiňovaných plemen).
Opět musím pouze konstatovat - Tornjak je ÚŽASNÝ!!!
Video o jiném plemeni,ale sedí to přesně i na tornjaka / Video, who can be used to tornjak too zde/here
2/ 2015 - Rose už za pomoci malé Arian
Databáze tornjaků - Chorvatsko - zde
Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd Dog - TORNJAK
FCI-standard No. 355 (16.05.2007.) / GB
Origin: Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia
Date of publication of original valid standard: 16.05.2007.
Utilization: Herding and protection of livestock; farmyard guard dog.
Classification F.C.I.:
Group 2 Pinschers and Schnauzers – Molossoid breeds – Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs.
Section 2.2 Mountain type.
Without working trial.
Brief historical summary:
The almost extinct descendants of genetically homogeneous, native archaic types of shepherd dogs have been the foundation stock for the re-creation of the breed “Tornjak”. The dogs belonging to the original stock had been dispersed in mountain areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia and their surrounding valleys.
The major historical dates are the years 1067 and 1374. Written documents from these periods mention the Bosnianherzegovinian- Croatian breed for the fi rst time.
The research about their historical and more recent existence and then a systematic salvation from extinction started simultaneously in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina around 1972 and continuous pure blood breeding began in 1978. Nowadays, the breed population consists of numerous, purebred dogs selected during a series of generations dispersed throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia.
The Tornjak is a large and powerful dog, well proportioned and agile. The shape of the body is almost square. The bone is not light, but nevertheless not heavy nor coarse. He is strong, harmonious and well balanced when standing and moving. His coat is long and thick.
The body is almost square. The length of the body should not exceed its height by more than 8%.
The ratio between the length of the skull and the muzzle is 1:1.
Of steady disposition, friendly, courageous, obedient, intelligent, full of dignity and self confidence. Fierce in guarding property entrusted to him, cannot be bribed and is suspicious of strangers. Devoted to his master and very calm in his presence. Very affectionate towards persons living in his immediate vicinity. Learns quickly and keeps this in his memory for a long time, gladly performs tasks assigned to him. He is easy to train.
Elongated. The ratio between the skull and the muzzle is 1:1.
Cranial region:
The upper lines of the skull and muzzle are divergent. Supraorbital arches are slightly visible. The hind part of the skull is elongated but moderately wide. The area from supra-orbital arches to the occiput is flat. The occipital protuberance is very slight.
Stop: Slightly pronounced.
Facial region:
Nose: Large with sufficiently wide nostrils. Should have dark pigmentation. Pigmentation in harmony with the colour of the coat. Depigmentation is not allowed.
Muzzle: Rectangular. The bridge of the nose is perfectly straight.
Lips: Tight fitting with dark pigmentation.
Jaws/teeth: Jaws are very long and strong. Perfect scissor bite with full dentition.
Eyes: Almond shaped, close fitting lids, dark colour. Dark pigmentation on edges of eyelids.
Ears: Of medium size, triangular, folded and pendant, set rather high. Carried close to the cheeks. With shorter hair.
Of medium length, powerful, carried slightly low. Skin tight fitting. Long, abundant coat forming a mane.
Withers: Moderately developed.
Back: Short, taut, moderately broad and straight.
Loin: Connection between chest and croup is short and moderately broad; in females it is a bit longer.
Croup: Of medium length, broad and slightly sloping.
Chest: Very spacious, deep, broad and oval shaped. The lowest point of brisket reaches at least to the elbows. Never barrel shaped. Chest is strong, with moderately pronounced point of sternum.
Underline: Belly well muscled. The underline is not tucked up but gradually slopes up from the end of the sternum to the rear.
Long, set at medium height, very mobile. When relaxed it is hanging and in movement it is always raised over the level of the back, which is characteristic of the breed. Abundantly coated with distinct plume.
Strong and well angulated.
Well developed, strong bones, tight muscles. Parallel and upright when standing.
Shoulders: Of medium length, well laid back. The scapular humerus angle is about 120°.
Upper arms: Muscular and strong. Almost the same length as shoulders.
Elbows: Moderately close to the body.
Forearms: Strong bones, developed muscles, upright.
Metacarpus (pastern): Slightly sloping.
Front feet: Toes arched and tightly knit. Nails pigmented, dark pigmentation desirable. Resilient pads, hard and tight, dark pigmentation desirable. Front feet more developed than hind feet.
Strong and parallel. Upright when standing with adequate angulation. Knee well bent.
Upper thighs: Broad, strong, well muscled.
Lower thighs: Well muscled, strong, broad, of the same length as the upper thigh.
Hocks: Firm, set a bit high.
Metatarsus (Rear pastern): Strong. Possible existence of dewclaws.
Hind feet: Toes arched and tightly knit. Nails pigmented, dark pigmentation desirable. Resilient pads, hard and tight, dark pigmentation desirable.
The Tornjak is a trotter. Movement is well balanced, supple, long reaching, harmonious, with strong drive from hindquarters. In movement the backline is firm.
The skin is thick, well fitting all over the body.
Hair: In general, the Tornjak is a long coated dog with short hair over the face and legs. The topcoat is long, thick, coarse and straight. It is specially long on the upper part of the croup; over the shoulders and the back it can also be slightly wavy. On the muzzle and the forehead, up to the imaginary line connecting the ears, over the ears and on the front parts of legs and feet it is short. It is especially abundant around the neck (mane), dense and long over the upper thighs (breeches). It forms feathers along the forearms. With well coated dogs it is also especially abundant on the rear of hind pasterns. The tail is richly coated with very long hair. Winter undercoat is long, very thick and of nice woolly texture. Hair is thick and dense and should not part along the back.
Colour: As a rule the Tornjak is parti-coloured with distinct markings of various solid colours. Usually the dominant ground colour is white. There may be dogs with a black mantle and with white markings most often found around the neck, over the head and along the legs. There may also be almost white dogs with only small markings.
Height at withers: Dogs: 65-70 cm; Bitches: 60–65 cm (With a tolerance of +/- 2cm.)
Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
- Bones too fine or too heavy.
- Head too fine or too coarse.
- Faults with ears (set on, length, coating).
- Pincer bite.
- Absence of 2 p2, 2 p3. Absence of more than 2 p1.
- Back too long.
- Roached or saddle back.
- Distinctively overbuilt dog.
- Faulty angulation.
- Elbows turned in or out.
- Tail carried laid over the back.
- Poorly coated tail.
- Hair of insufficient length.
- Dark mask.
- Weak feet.
- Aggressive or overly shy dogs.
- Lack of type (untypical dogs).
- Deviation of sexual type.
- Anomalies in colour and shape of eyes (wall eyes, vicious expression, different colour of eyes).
- Entropion, ectropion.
- Overshot or undershot mouth.
- Absence of any other teeth than those mentioned above as faults.
- Hair too short.
- Lack of undercoat.
- Kinky tail.
- Absence of tail.
- Solid coloured dogs.
- Albinism.
- Untypical distribution of colours over the body.
- Diversion from allowed height limits (tolerance included).
- Cosmetic treatment of dog or evidence of cosmetic or surgical treatments.
N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.